النوم في العسل1996
its late here ,
i should be going to sleep but its nice a cozy and i dont want to yet.
Mohammed and Malkawi are sleeping , ahmad is sleeping here in the living room on the matress , i have my headset on and there is a tiny 25Wat lamp that is on projected on the wall behind the computer . An atmosphere that want me to write a bit .I finally feel that the day is mine , the space is mine.
In order to keep ahmed up and not let him fall into jet lag further we watched il nawm bil 3asaal . this film staring 3adel imaam came out when i was in lebanon at AUB . This film came out as a comedy , now watching it made me appritiate the Egyption Cinema and mass entertainment. THe film about a "phenomena" that happens in Egypt , that is ppl cannot get their dicks up. Very very political film, very smart and critical. It have 1000 degrees of critique to the social system, the instituotions : religious , governmantal , social etc... You can also get much more from it (other than what it tryies to critique on purpose) because it deals with such a non traditional topic , something that is usually considred a taboo in the reigon (and in the world in general) . I cannot help to think the period it was made in and how can that be linked to some feel of stagnation in society and in the reigon in general (the clinton era).
While the couple of reviwes about the film i found talk about how it deals with sex in society (in egypt) i think the film is rather than a metaphore for the poltical /social/economic situation and the deadlock that was there then , and the feel of impotance and feel of inability to "do" things. This was rather enforced by the fact that the "7alaah" was always referd to as the "situation" as a vauge un-defined thing, it is rarley mentioned explicitly as a state of sexual impotance but rather as a "state" or the "issue" or some other generic "situation" which allows other interpritations and prallells to be drawn. Two level of critique , one explicit and other allegorical , all submeced in comedy.
you should watch it when u can .
i got the following description from a site
i should be going to sleep but its nice a cozy and i dont want to yet.
Mohammed and Malkawi are sleeping , ahmad is sleeping here in the living room on the matress , i have my headset on and there is a tiny 25Wat lamp that is on projected on the wall behind the computer . An atmosphere that want me to write a bit .I finally feel that the day is mine , the space is mine.
In order to keep ahmed up and not let him fall into jet lag further we watched il nawm bil 3asaal . this film staring 3adel imaam came out when i was in lebanon at AUB . This film came out as a comedy , now watching it made me appritiate the Egyption Cinema and mass entertainment. THe film about a "phenomena" that happens in Egypt , that is ppl cannot get their dicks up. Very very political film, very smart and critical. It have 1000 degrees of critique to the social system, the instituotions : religious , governmantal , social etc... You can also get much more from it (other than what it tryies to critique on purpose) because it deals with such a non traditional topic , something that is usually considred a taboo in the reigon (and in the world in general) . I cannot help to think the period it was made in and how can that be linked to some feel of stagnation in society and in the reigon in general (the clinton era).
While the couple of reviwes about the film i found talk about how it deals with sex in society (in egypt) i think the film is rather than a metaphore for the poltical /social/economic situation and the deadlock that was there then , and the feel of impotance and feel of inability to "do" things. This was rather enforced by the fact that the "7alaah" was always referd to as the "situation" as a vauge un-defined thing, it is rarley mentioned explicitly as a state of sexual impotance but rather as a "state" or the "issue" or some other generic "situation" which allows other interpritations and prallells to be drawn. Two level of critique , one explicit and other allegorical , all submeced in comedy.
you should watch it when u can .
i got the following description from a site
القصة : يحقق ضابط الشرطة مجدي في حادث انتحار شاب ليلة زفافه ، ويكتشف أنه أصيب بالعجز الجنسي ، فانتحر . ثم يحقق في جريمة قتل زوج لزوجته لأنها سخرت منه لعجزه الجنسي ، ويكتشف مجدي أن هناك وباء يصيب الرجال بالعجز ، بل ويصل هذا الوباء إليه ، فيترك عمله في الشرطة ، ويقود مظاهرة شعبية إلى مقر البرلمان لمواجهة نواب الشعب .

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