for ur viewing pleasure(s) ,,,, sexual or otherwise
am writting a paper and its like giving birth to an elephnet.....
fa as a way of NOT wiritting i scan these lovely images for u from couple of books am using as sources ..i have to finish soon ...
( in the second one they are taking turns) . The scanning is i think a bit dark so it loses some details but i dont feel liek tryig to figure out how to make it better. THere is a third one i want to scan but i will leave it to couple of hours later to have something to procrastinate with.....
Trahaat is now officially X rated

fa as a way of NOT wiritting i scan these lovely images for u from couple of books am using as sources ..i have to finish soon ...
( in the second one they are taking turns) . The scanning is i think a bit dark so it loses some details but i dont feel liek tryig to figure out how to make it better. THere is a third one i want to scan but i will leave it to couple of hours later to have something to procrastinate with.....
Trahaat is now officially X rated

tab look how the older guy is sitting there with his arms crossed over the pillow, as if nothing is going on back there... as if he is watching the news or something..
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