Monday, July 31, 2006
a good article by elyas khori . And incase u havent heard me saying it before : he sucks in wirtting fiction and he should stick to nonfiction cause he knows how to write it
The Carnival.
I was browsing Al-Safeer I was breaking another promise to myself of not reading that much News (I realized long time ago that I cannot forbid myself from reading news but I said lets be moderate: read the news but not too much). as I was reading thought the headlines , I was suddenly horrified, the titles about killing of civilians , then a communiqué from Hezbollah about killed resistance members , then a communiqué from the Army about the killed army officers , I realized suddenly how this is an open season of death. I think I know what’s going on the ground and I (as I said before) read the news. But there was something very disturbing about these titles: they are there next to each other, death, death, death.
I often wonder what all this is turning us into ! When 9/11 happened the americans destroyed the world (and they still are). I was in class the other day and the prof talked about the “post truma world” that we live in after 9-11 .
Inno, this is happened when they were attacked once; suddenly… you have a post truma world. What about us and how they are bonding us over the head all day and night. How are we supposed to feel about this? they have been “post truma”ing us for more than 60 years . Violence is exercised constantly and systematically against our communities, and really, please anybody tell me, how are we supposed to feel about it. Most importantly how are supposed to react.
Sometimes I even wonder if it is even worth talking about what’s going on ,as everything is so meaningless and senseless. I’m tired of being tired of the media and how they communicate things .I’m tired of pointing out the images and the language and the meanings. For Gods sake, when the Qana butchery happened before yesterday, Metro daily reported the news and guess what they had as a picture: the angry protests and attack on the UN headquarters. It either it was for them another even at the middle east were people (Arabs) die and its not worth highlighting (by the element of an image) , what is more worth highlighting is the “ANGRY” senseless middle eastern mob , attacking and vandalizing buildings . Oh, well, another angry event in that part of the world: here u go that’s another picture of these typical reactions of the ppl there that u should fear.
See , that was tiring, consuming (oh let me not go to when DOSE newspaper was still out there before it went bust), and it happens everyday. And I cannot take it anymore. It seems like we are just bunch of whiners who go stepped on all the time. Honestly I’m very sick and tired on being on the losing side.
And that’s just about a small tiny thing as the media here (and hey am not in Texas and I don’t deliberately tourcher my self and watch CZIFTZIFT)
I don’t even want to talk to people about what is going on as it is so pointless; we are going to theorize and talk and talk and end of the day, same shit. I do go however to the demonstrations and do what I have to do , but all with little faith , I do it just not to explode.
Sometimes I wonder if the west is subjected to the same amount of violence we are being subjected to (by the west: by the least account being complicit in that violence, or being the source and the instrument of such violence). Would they want revenge? Would they bring more destruction? Is it that only when u feel that u are helpless against the violence against u that u want peace or is it that the more V in more V out ….
Who knows ! all I know that it is a circus down there in Lebanon , killing in all shape kind and form. It’s a carnival of death.
I often wonder what all this is turning us into ! When 9/11 happened the americans destroyed the world (and they still are). I was in class the other day and the prof talked about the “post truma world” that we live in after 9-11 .
Inno, this is happened when they were attacked once; suddenly… you have a post truma world. What about us and how they are bonding us over the head all day and night. How are we supposed to feel about this? they have been “post truma”ing us for more than 60 years . Violence is exercised constantly and systematically against our communities, and really, please anybody tell me, how are we supposed to feel about it. Most importantly how are supposed to react.
Sometimes I even wonder if it is even worth talking about what’s going on ,as everything is so meaningless and senseless. I’m tired of being tired of the media and how they communicate things .I’m tired of pointing out the images and the language and the meanings. For Gods sake, when the Qana butchery happened before yesterday, Metro daily reported the news and guess what they had as a picture: the angry protests and attack on the UN headquarters. It either it was for them another even at the middle east were people (Arabs) die and its not worth highlighting (by the element of an image) , what is more worth highlighting is the “ANGRY” senseless middle eastern mob , attacking and vandalizing buildings . Oh, well, another angry event in that part of the world: here u go that’s another picture of these typical reactions of the ppl there that u should fear.
See , that was tiring, consuming (oh let me not go to when DOSE newspaper was still out there before it went bust), and it happens everyday. And I cannot take it anymore. It seems like we are just bunch of whiners who go stepped on all the time. Honestly I’m very sick and tired on being on the losing side.
And that’s just about a small tiny thing as the media here (and hey am not in Texas and I don’t deliberately tourcher my self and watch CZIFTZIFT)
I don’t even want to talk to people about what is going on as it is so pointless; we are going to theorize and talk and talk and end of the day, same shit. I do go however to the demonstrations and do what I have to do , but all with little faith , I do it just not to explode.
Sometimes I wonder if the west is subjected to the same amount of violence we are being subjected to (by the west: by the least account being complicit in that violence, or being the source and the instrument of such violence). Would they want revenge? Would they bring more destruction? Is it that only when u feel that u are helpless against the violence against u that u want peace or is it that the more V in more V out ….
Who knows ! all I know that it is a circus down there in Lebanon , killing in all shape kind and form. It’s a carnival of death.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Is Mr. Najib Atieh al mu7taram gonna join this 'creative' gathering?
- apunctum said...
yap he is ,or atleast i sent him the evite ,,,, now we wait SNT
(standred Najib Time) - hawzers said...
it will take ages
yalla ya najeeeeeeeeb!
man shou mloukhieh it was yesterday! naar
also i made bread
i love making bread - apunctum said...
majnooninta , umake bread! making ma3karonah for me is a project ,,,,,
although i once made manakeesh with mirna ! - nbr5 said...
nowadays getting water is a project.
yesterday i staeyd up till 5 am writing a little text spilling out what's inside my head regarding the situation. i will not post it just yet as i might read it now and find its just mad. but soon i guess. till then, i am going to do some shopping for the mloukhiyeh tabkha im making tonight for some friends. i will try to take some pix and post them here. tfaddalo.
- apunctum said...
lak spit it out 7aw,
show me what u have written
their site is not mac enabled so i only see jibberish, is it possible to save it as pdf or smthg?