Saturday, June 23, 2007

In case you were interested to see how the Naher Al Bared camp battles look like from above...


Blogger nbr5 said...

since nobody showed any interest, I shall add the small detail that I took this pic from the plane on the way back to Beirut.

There I said it.

June 29, 2007 8:02 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

i thought u took it from ur hometown in Lake-something , i forgot what it is called.

but now i appritiate it more.

June 29, 2007 8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually your photo was very interesting to me but im shy to be the first commenter

it gives a good perspective eh and reminded me of a song i dont like by bette midler 'from a distance, you look like my friend, even though we are at war' it was playing at the jr. high dance.


June 29, 2007 6:10 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

wow it's refreshing to hear your remarks. This gives me incentive to do more of this and travel to the end of the world so on the way back I can take more of these from the airplane.

Taha I might go to Alaska. Now seriously.

Thanks suha.
Sounds like a nice song. You hate it because of the jr. high thingie though, right?

July 02, 2007 3:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The song is kinda cheesy but the words are nice. Maybe I didnt have anyone to dance with so it left a bad impression :) Keep making fotos...

Alaska--I went there and roadtripped with my friend. Its everything you imagine it to be, super vast..unbelievable landscape, really striking...bas i need to people watch and there are not many people to watch so a short time was enough for me unless you like to be at one with nature

July 02, 2007 1:40 PM  
Blogger apunctum said...

offf , najib IS the one to be ONE with nature .
tab lahza , ur misin the important point here ; WHAT are u going to do there. and SHO, now no one can "yhadeek" and why not pass by watanak il tani canada ???

July 02, 2007 2:39 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

walla ya taha you know me best. what am i going to do there???
Im going to see Nile Mueller.

Plus, no, nobody can yihaddini now that I got the US visa and I better to make the most out of it.
(Does this remind you of the days we used to download or rip stuff just because we could, although we didnt like the music itself? was it called 'istiksab'? :)

as for watani el tani, let me think of it...

July 03, 2007 7:07 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

meen hada ?
Nile Mueller, University of Alaska Statewide Public Affairs .
sho baddak tshofo tsawi?
alla yer7am il istiksab

July 03, 2007 10:24 AM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

Im really amazed how you are abusing google li ghayat dani'at like finding who is Nile Mueller.

Well she works indeed there, and she was in the Baltimore conference and she is the one I asked about Alaska and how to be one with nature there.

On a related point, how big is your music library now?

July 03, 2007 11:16 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

i dont understand, what , where , when ?

July 03, 2007 12:17 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

suha: your trip sounds very interesting. when did you go there? what time of the year? did you camp? did you fish? any pics? what did you do in addition to walking the trip itself? are there some native indians there?

taha: it's not decided yet but remember my plans to visit the indian reservations and how they crushed my dreams saying only in alaska you might see it authentically? Im trying to pursue the dream.. when? I dont know.. sometimes, MAYBE, this summer, just like they are expecting the civil war...

July 04, 2007 9:06 AM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

and taha, if I had blu-ray capabilities, I would have sent you with Mirna a blu-ray of tabadul thakafi...

July 04, 2007 9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah so you like the nature. I was in Alaska like 3 years ago in Anchorage. Ate fish, even bought some and shipped it to baba. i do have some pics but they were before the suha digital era so would require not saying no but it will take some effort...maybe in exchange for your portfolio ;) bas trust me its gorgeous. im sure there is more to do than road trip with a best friend and an ipod (bring a car charger) and there are natives, many but like all native have been screwed...oh and we hiked to a giant iceberg, that was cool b/c you could see where how much it had melted over the years --mama earth aint gonna last forever. and be careful of the bears. you have to clap your hands when your hiking to keep them away. i think you could find an indian reservation if you tried. i think they have free health care. ok, i have dominated too much blogspace. oh and make sure you go in summer when there is sun all day and night--which is kinda weird.

July 05, 2007 12:11 AM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

I would say a solar charger would do even better.

This is awesome. Were you prepared to hike the iceberg, gear-wise? It should be definitely summer if i go, because it would require less carrying of equipments. the bear experience also is very intriguing. how about wolves?
did you get in contact with the indians? exchanged some cigarettes with food may be?

wow it's getting exhausting to scroll down till the end of this post...

July 05, 2007 7:24 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

tab i want to go too now.

July 05, 2007 12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its probably important to note that we didnt hike the iceberg but to the iceberg. so the only required equipment was a sweatshirt and borrowing my friends hiking pants.

since you sound adventerous (sp?) i had 2 friends who did this 'survival' thing where a plane dropped you somewhere in the middle of the wilderness and you had to survive on what you had... apparently smooth rocks are best for wiping. my trip was different, i slept in a bed a night.

maybe you boys could bond on an alaskan adventure

July 05, 2007 1:36 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

taha: we're not anymore in the 60's where you decide to go to a place just because you feel like it.

suha: Im not really the adventurous type as much as Im into nature. Im the type who would have in his tent floss and toothpaste and necessary hygiene stuff.

But sometimes to get to the purer areas in nature you need to be adventurous because of the environement. so the challenge is to get to nature while making the experience still as humane as possible.

It's intriguing though how smooth rocks are better for wiping than let's say tree leaves. humm...

Can I ask, if you dont mind, how much some issues cost you, for instance getting there, how much a night would cost, etc... just to have an idea...

July 11, 2007 6:54 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

bas ya najib am now canadaian , i can go anywhere if i feel like it (ie this is the 60s to me now) .
plus suha iz in falasteen so am not sure she is chekcing zi blog.

July 11, 2007 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi najib. i dont know if you will scroll all the way down as i did today for some unknown reason. walla you are still into this alaska thing.

you dont have to be a bear killer to be adventerous in alaska, walking to the 7-11 at 2am in total daylight is adverterous to me. btw its good you floss, i wish i did more but i do brush my teeth several times a day, anyways. i think you can do hostels b/c they are fun travelers stop-offs. you can meet other crazies. i would guess they range from like 30$ to 60% a night. i stayed in one in some little town on the coast and it wasnt too expensive and then you can cook in their kitchen too, so it cuts costs. I would account for renting a car and gaz. but its the USA you can rent a car for a good price, im assuming you are over 26 which is the random age insurance companies decided your responsible enough not to pay add'l insurance.
i have yet to do the leaf or a rock, but one day in survival mode i may have to. inshalla no. let me know if you are going and i can ask some more alaska-savvy friends

July 26, 2007 7:37 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

I did scroll indeed all the way down and exactly for some unknown reason. Welcome back!

well Im serious thinking about this project. The core of the problem is justifying the budget which will be phenomenal, considering the ticket alone coming from lebanon (and then east coast and then extreme west-north coast). and I guess summer is the best bet to be in Alaska for weather consideration, which means peak-season. not to mention all the other expenses. And since my vacation time -as well as my income- is relatively limited, I cant experiment a lot going places and getting lost and losing more money trying to come back, since it'll be my first time there.

Although Im so excited about as an idea, the more I studied it as expenses the more I was confronted with having to be realistic about breaking the bank for such a thing.

The one other place I wanted to go to was Machu Picchu and when I really searched about best deals to go to Peru I found out that ticket alone will be more than USD 3,200. gulp.

So long for these long-distance dreams.
I got to win that lottery ticket.


Nonetheless, thanks a lot for sharing your experience and stories and offering to ask more about it. I really appreciate it.

July 29, 2007 8:44 AM  

Monday, June 18, 2007

read it from E Khoury

الياس خوري
لا املك كلمات تصف مشهد انتهاك بيت ياسر عرفات في غزة، او الدوس علي صورته، ونهب بيت خليل الوزير، ولا يستطيع احد اقناعي بأن تحطيم الرموز الفلسطينية، والسخرية منها، تعبر عن شيء له اسم آخر سوي العار.السياسة وتحليل الانقلاب العسكري الذي قامت به حماس في غزة يأتي لاحقا، ولا ادري اذا كان يفيد في شيء، وانا اري علي الشاشة الصغيرة مشاهد الكبائر. فلسطينيون يلبسون اقنعة سوداء ويصرخون بالتكبير مجبرين اسراهم من الفلسطينيين علي التعري ورفع الأيدي! اعدام سميح المدهون علي شاشة فضائية الأقصي التابعة لحماس، وانزال العلم الفلسطيني عن المباني العامة في غزة بعد احتلالها واستبداله بعلم أخضر!حلّ القناع مكان الكوفية التي لبسها الفلسطينيون في المدن ايام ثورة 1936 تضامنا مع المناضل الشهيد عزالدين القسام، واليوم يأتي من تسمي باسم القسام كي يدوس علي الكوفية ويستبدلها بالقناع!لن يقنعني الجـــواب بأن الكثـــــير من رجال السلطة ورجال الأمن فاسدون. فالفساد لا يعـــــالج بالافساد الاخلاقي الذي يدمر رمــــوز فلسطـــــين التي مـــــات في سبيل الـــــدفاع عنها عشرات الوف الشهداء. ولن تقــــنعني لغة التـــــذاكي التي تدعو الي الوحــــدة الوطنية فــــوق برك الدماء والاذلال والمهانة.انها لحظة للحزن والأسي.لم نكن نمتلك وهم ان السلطة الفلسطينية تستطيع، بتركيبتها الحالية، انجاز بناء الدولة المحررة، ولن يقنعنا الوهم الذي اعلنه السيد خالد مشعل من دمشق بأن التاريخ يبدأ مع نجاح الانقلاب العسكري الحمساوي في غزة. لقد سبق للتاريخ ان سخر من الانقلابيين العرب في الخامس من حزيران عام 1967، وفي الذكري الأربعين للهزيمة، يأتي من يبيعنا وهم الانقلاب في غزة، معتقدا انه خارج قوانين التاريخ، لإن حفرة الظلام التي يعيش فيها، تحصنه من الرؤية.لن اسأل لماذا تصر حماس علي تكرار تجربة فتح مقلوبة علي رأسها، فالاخوان المسلمون الذين يقودون حماس ادري بما يريدون ويخطــطون. يصيغون تحالفاتهم السياسية علي انقاض الذاكرة الفلسطينية، كي يقولوا انهم يبدأون من الصفر، غير مدركين ان الصفر ليس بداية الا لمن قرر ان يبقي في الصفر. ويبنون تحالفا يمتد من دمشق الي طهران، غير مبالين بمسألة الوطنية الفلسطينية المهددة اليوم بالاندثار.هذا لا يعني ان السلطة كـــــانت علي حـــــق، او ان الأجهزة الأمنية المدمرة والمنخــــــورة بالفساد كانت تشـــــكل اي امل، بل يعني ان اليأس لا يداويه اليأس، وان الجريمة لا تمحو الفساد.لقد سقطت المحرمات التي رسمتها الثورة، والمحرم الكبير كان الدم الفلسطيني، ولمن فقدوا ذاكــــرتهم ويريدون افقادنا ذاكرتنا، فان محاولة التلاعب بهذا الدم تمت علي يد ديكتاتوريتين عربيتين، البعث العراقي الذي حمي جماعة ابو نضال، والبعث السوري الذي نشأت في كنفه فتح الانتفاضة، وفي الحالين، رفض الفلسطينيون منطق الحسم العسكري، لأن قيادتهم التي كانت تعتمر الكوفية، امتلكت حدا ادني من الحس التاريخي.وامس نسفوا نصب الجندي المجهول في غزة، وهو نصب بني بعد النكبة تحية للمقاتلين الفلسطينيين والعرب، وسبق لاسرائيل ان نسفته بعد احتلال غزة عام 67، واعاد عرفات بناءه، وقاموا بانتهاك دير ومدرسة وكنيسة الوردية في غزة، كما دمروا كل الاذاعات، وكان آخرها اذاعة الشعب التابعة للجبهة الشعبية، واحتلوا مقر نقابة الصحافيين ونهبوه، والي آخره... لا ادري كيف يمكن للكلمات ان تأتلف، فقد يأتي معتوه برتبة مثقف يساري وعلماني، يتألق تحت اضواء الفضائيات، كي يعطينا دروسا في الوطنية، مبررا ما جري وسيجري بمقاومة المخطط الامريكي الاسرائيلي، كأن المشروع الاسرائيلي بتوحيش العرب والفلسطينيين كان يريد اكثر من هذا المشهد المخزي، كي يبرر لنفسه كل شيء.لقد استبيح المعني وتحطم المبني، وصارت اللغة العربية عاجزة عن التعبير، حتي الوقوف علي الأطلال، مثلما علمنا الملك الضليل صار مستحيلا، لا لأنهم بعثروا الاطلال ومحوا الوشم فقط، بل لأن الشاعر الأول وكل الشعر والنثر ينتمي الي ثقافة يريدون اخراجها من التاريخ.شيء من الطلبنة بلا جبال افغانستان، وكثير من الخفة التي تعكس واقع كون الحركة الوطنية الفلسطينية دخلت في الحائط بعد فشل انتفاضة الأقصي.ولكن تلك مسألة أخري.انه اسبوع الألم والأسي.لم اكن اتخيل، حتي في الكوابيس، كابوسا كهذا الذي نعيش.لم اكن اعتقد ان غزة هاشم، مدينة جيفارا الشهيد، مدينة المقبرة التي تمايلت حجارتها في زمن مضي رفضا للاحتلال، المدينة التي تمني رابين القاءها في البحر، لم اكن اتخيل ان يأتي يوم اري فيه القطاع ينتحر وينحر بأيدي ابنائه.انه زمن الأسي.علي قادة فتح والأجهزة الذين اوصلوا غزة الي هذا العار ان يخرسوا.اما قادة الانقلاب، الذين انتهكوا غزة، فلقد دخلوا في معركة حمقاء مع ذاكرة فلسطين ومستقبلها، وفلسطين لن تنسي كيف استبيحت مرة ثالثة في حزيران (يونيو) 2007.0


Blogger hawzers said...

Thank you that was excellent. I forwarded it to a lot of people.

June 20, 2007 2:59 AM  

A distraction for my friend taha

Taha, remember wardeh, from that novel ''wardeh'' (by God created Ibrahim) which took place in Thofar, Sohar, Dalkout, Sahranout, etc... and Salalah?

Well Im there right now.


Blogger apunctum said...

what are u doing there .
I now feel ua re very far, i feel u are in history.

June 18, 2007 9:39 PM  
Blogger hawzers said...

But he's in geography

June 20, 2007 2:33 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

but geography always carries history,a nd that novel linked them togther for me for ever.
Plus, in my school geography and history were part of "ijtima3yat" book and they were tought by the same teacher

June 20, 2007 12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont know this 'place'you guys are talking about but my degree was also international studies which combined history, geography, political science, and economics. the lines were blurry
--just incase you were wondering what suha majored in, now you are free to get on with your day

June 20, 2007 12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is weird , i could swear u did marketing.

June 20, 2007 11:33 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

some time ago I was in Muscat.

Now Im in Dubai.

June 21, 2007 4:26 AM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

cant talk much because this keyboard at the airport hardly has any letters on it, because of overuse.

airports are an interesting mix of geography, history, cultures, and the dynamics of migrations.

so what are you doing suha with your degree?

June 21, 2007 4:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats why i love airports you made me realize. beruit was especially memorable for all the family reunions i witnessed.

my degrees are framed and hanging in my office. no, that is a joke, they are in a pile of papers at my parents house, my degree is doing what all degrees do, give you a little credibility that you are not a complete idiot and then get shelved as you find something else to do. my something else is a little online publishing company.


June 23, 2007 2:37 AM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

my degree too is somewhere at home, where I wouldnt dare wasting energy or time trying to think or remember where it is.

My degree is in creative advertising, and me too, I shelved it and working now in the publications office of AUB (design rather than advertising), not really thrilling, but much better than the disgusting atmosphere of advertising agencies.

An online publishing house? that's cool. you started it? or you work there? and how long? and what do you do there? and what is published so far? any website link we can go to? and what...
I got to stop somewhere... sorry for the too many Q's. (which I expect an answer for each one though)

June 23, 2007 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My former life was in advertising too, on the strategy side and walla i cant think of any part of it that i miss, except the jaded co-workers.

Tab you are forcing me to self-promote on tarahat bas yalla.
Me and 3 others started a publishing network last august called Real Girls Media. Our first property launched in feb called DivineCaroline (blogger is not accepting my html link but its just one google away. I do the strategy and community. Its targeted to women but not exclusively, many men publish. Any one can publish automatically and we do a complimentary proofread. Even taha published a story about his first kiss. You are a designer? I wish i was a designer then I could execute all my crazy ideas.

June 23, 2007 2:03 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

Taha: this is to answer your question why I was "there".
AUB is giving consultancy services to different projects around the world, and Dhofar University is a private university who is paying AUB for consultancy regarding their programs, administration, recruiting, etc.. So it came also to the marketing and communication part where we were asked - I mean our office - to participate in training Dhofar's office.

Also, you never told me about that you published a story about your first kiss. am i the last to know here or what?

Suha: This is soooooooo interesting. The usual question: is it making profits, or in other words, do you earn your living from it or is it just your personal outlet to make life less miserable?

Although I like more advertising (creating concepts and executing them) but because I hated the agencies' atmosphere I moved to design practically. What are your crazy ideas? may be we could help. (btw, there might be at least 4 designers on this blog group!)

June 24, 2007 6:47 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

sho first kiss. u think i remember when was my first kiss!
she is making things up ya nbr5.
Tab , walla now u are a "khabeer" and they send u all over the world for ur Khibiraat.Good for u. Now i feel unimportant cause nobody needs my khibiraat.

June 24, 2007 2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I can't think of any of the crazy ideas, its ok, they will come back.

So the business model is ad revenue. We got funded to do this and so far the advertisers are coming b/c they love women... apparently we make all the purchasing decisions.

I did like the concepting part of advertising and I learned how to concept for my own projects, its more fun...

can we see some of your work?

June 25, 2007 8:06 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

Taha: damn it.. I knew it wasnt a good idea to tell you about this..

suha: cool. may be I will publish a story myself one of these days..
(one of these days is none of these days..)

well about my work, Im the type who never, and I mean never, put together for myself a portfolio, so I really dont know how I made it through all my job interviews..
so im not sure if I have something handy to show of my work.. may be one of these days I will show you my latest painting..

June 27, 2007 2:57 AM  

Thursday, June 14, 2007

tab sho!

I , espically now, feel very sick and disgusted. I have been watching the news and i feel i want to vomit , but whats the point.
I was watching the video of what was boradcasted on al-aqsa televesion . They execusted this guy , Sami7 al madhoon , in the street. Shi bi2areef, I feel very dirtiy and disgusted. I just felt that the Israelies are right to kill us. I feel i want to go to Al-Hourah TV and beg them to work for thm or with the American Army.
Shi mo2rif , shi bishi3 , very ugly. And the guy was a faciset himelf . ppl ont he street beating him up while he is half dead, half alive, and then they killed him like gangster movies style then ppl start kiking his dead body.
But thats not the problem. u might say ppl were acting irrationally because of the moment or anything else. But i was going through the websites that posts the news and ppl are fucking high on his death. and the TV broadcasted it and they had one of these red news-flash banners.
Tab , i relly dont know inno if i was there , ,,,, oh whats the point.
really , whats the point. why was i born in that fucking part of the world , and i want to escape it and it doesnt escape me ! Why the fuck am i doing media and film that and studying that part of the world that is shitty and sick and disgusting.
Everybody wants to kill everybody and for what , really for what ? for a peace of land , lak koss immko 3aimm falasteen 3a imm libnan 3a im kol sori .
Sho hal khara ? really sho hal khara. ow illobnanyeh badon yniko il soryeen and with their raciest demonstrations . the syrians are probebly killing and assassinating.
ah my stoch hurt just trying to say how is fucking who . and for god's sake for what i dont know, lak kos okht il deen wel Islam wel mas7yeh wel sinni wel shi3a .


Blogger hawzers said...

put all your anger and frustration into a project. it could be anything. my 2 outlets are drawing for samandal and swimming twice a week with a trainer (so real swimming not going to the ba7er)
it fucking helps. one puts my mind somewhere else and the other translates my rage to physical energy that burns and leaves me exhausted and buzzing.

June 15, 2007 2:27 AM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

Well said haw.

Do a short movie taha I will help with soundtrack. (but this time give me a little bit more time than last time).

June 24, 2007 6:59 AM  

Monday, June 11, 2007

la a3rifu in kuntu 7azeenan am laa

Dear tarahaatians,
I have been confused ever since TT posed the question of whether or not we are sad. Reading that made me sad, but I cant say that im sad or happy all in all.
Im stuck in a situation. The whole goddamn region is, innit? We're all just suspended in time waiting waiting waiting bomb here fireworks there.
I wanna do something big.


Blogger nbr5 said...

when did he post that question?

June 14, 2007 7:20 AM  

Sunday, June 10, 2007

while on the red bike from Erin

i have been riding the bike around the city trails on this nice sunday day. very nice weather and very nice day. I have been riding among many areas with houses and new developments. then , i went on the trails and some next to the lake. then i stoped to drink water and rest, then it hit me. I will be 30 next year. That didnt mean much till i thought that my father will be 60 in two years. if he plays his cards right he might get 15-20 years still to live. he will die 80and i will be 50 then. My parents are getting old, and so am I. I better start paying attention to myself. I want to have a legecy to myself. I thought i might wana pay for my brother's education. That could be something I can do. Whatever it is that i want to do, i better start paying attention and getting my act togther.
In away all this had a very soothing effect on me. Finally after all this time of not nowing "weyn 2alla 7atitni", i know! aint it cool!
love u all.


Blogger nbr5 said...

nice. isnt this called al-musalah ma3 al zat? we were talking about this 6 years ago. now it happened.
Im happy you reached it.

June 11, 2007 2:16 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

was it 6 years ago! Wow!
yes man , but it happens several time in several ways, and sometimes there is tasaloo7 and then u go back again and then u fight with the that . no ?

June 11, 2007 6:00 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...


June 24, 2007 6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.

November 10, 2008 4:14 PM  

Thursday, June 07, 2007

u are invited

yo kidz.
I decided to go to the graduatioin Convocation ceremony , cause as my mother requested that i "get the damn picture to my father and get it over with". Infact she didnt use these words but i used the aoutation marks for fun. So, you are ALL invited to come. its on the 15th of June. Its a friday. There is a party afterwrds. infact am invited to two parties , so i will have to decide . Then ther eis a music festival for 3 days , so also we can attend these activite.
So come and celibrate with uncle Taha. There is an extra room here and if there is too many of u then ther is my friends house.
Just let me know if anyof u would come :D.......


Blogger nbr5 said...

wallahi ya taha congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

of course yuo will post pictures on the blog for the rest of us who cant attend al hadath al maymoun.

will your parents go to Canada for this?

June 08, 2007 12:09 PM  
Blogger apunctum said...

no , cause i dont have money to tour them around and very stressed about gttting a job.
maybe for the masters ?

June 08, 2007 10:40 PM  
Blogger kittentits said...

I wish I could be there. I would bring a sign that says: "Taha Taha forever" and maybe paint my face in the Carleton colours (whatever those may be). Unfortunately, I'm busy lounging on the beach with coconut cocktails. That was not meant to sound dirty. Have fun! Congratulations!

June 11, 2007 2:34 PM  
Blogger apunctum said...

ay hate u. anyways, weather here aint bad, except that there is no beach (how is that related to the weather).

June 11, 2007 6:02 PM  
Blogger hawzers said...

mabrook, 3u2bal el far7a lekbeereh

June 13, 2007 6:00 PM  

Saturday, June 02, 2007

ya nbr

remember the April Ash cd u put on in the tabadoul il thakafi. I remember i expressed i3jabi once to u. now i realize they are very sad and make me sad. tabban


Blogger nbr5 said...

but since you know it's sad why you're listening to it.

why are you sad ya taha, especially in these days?

June 08, 2007 11:48 AM  

Jackals and Arabs

it seems that not everybody shares my enthusiasm for the Option of War video I posted. ITs an adaptation of a Kafka story called Jackals and Arabs. Cheack it out.
(but first , the video again)

Franz Kafka
Jackals and Arabs

We were camping in the oasis. My companions were asleep. An Arab, tall and dressed in white, went past me. He had been tending to his camels and was going to his sleeping place.
I threw myself on my back into the grass. I wanted to sleep. I couldn’t. The howling of a jackal in the distance—I sat up straight again. And what had been so far away was suddenly close by. A swarming pack of jackals around me, their eyes flashing dull gold and going out, slender bodies moving in a quick, coordinated manner, as if responding to a whip.
One of them came from behind, pushed himself under my arm, right against me, as if it needed my warmth, then stepped in front of me and spoke, almost eye to eye with me.
“I’m the oldest jackal for miles around. I’m happy I’m still able to welcome you here. I had already almost given up hope, for we’ve been waiting for you an infinitely long time. My mother waited, and her mother, and all her mothers, right back to the mother of all jackals. Believe me!”
“That surprises me,” I said, forgetting to light the pile of wood which lay ready to keep the jackals away with its smoke, “I’m very surprised to hear that. I’ve come from the high north merely by chance and am in the middle of a short trip. What do you jackals want then?”
As if encouraged by this conversation, which was perhaps too friendly, they drew their circle more closely around me, all panting and snarling.
“We know,” the oldest began, “that you come from the north. Our hope rests on that very point. In the north there is a way of understanding things which one cannot find here among the Arabs. You know, from their cool arrogance one cannot strike a spark of common sense. They kill animals to eat them, and they disregard rotting carcasses.”
“Don’t speak so loud,” I said. “There are Arabs sleeping close by.”
“You really are a stranger,” said the jackal. “Otherwise you would know that throughout the history of the world a jackal has never yet feared an Arab. Should we fear them? Is it not misfortune enough that we have been cast out among such people?”

read the rest


Blogger nbr5 said...

ya baba anything that's a video (or say, more than 150Kb) scares the hell out of me to even try to open it..

but still, I share with you the enthusiasm about the Kfka excerpt you posted..

June 03, 2007 5:01 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

bas its u tube ya najib. id doesnt require lost of bandwidth.

June 03, 2007 11:16 AM