Thursday, January 31, 2008

a good article by allan "grysh"

read it here ...........

I remember his articles when I was doing the lemonde diplomatique with 3aytah. Pretty good and usually had sharp analysis.


Blogger hawzers said...

well he claims that hezbollah was not involved in the civil war...

February 07, 2008 5:40 PM  
Blogger apunctum said...

true hezbollah was involved in the war. But I think compared to all major forces on the ground they were the least involved.
That doesnt to release them from their war responsibility.

February 09, 2008 2:04 PM  

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Since everything happens in the right time.... is, and as promised, a fine selection of photos from the NY trip. The first trip, of course.
Pictures are by chronological order... we start with batch no. 1: At the big apple.

green dinosaur on the firetruck (NY, downtown)

Ukranian easter eggs (NY, downtown)

Street talent (NY, downtown)

Urban triangle (Bryant Park at the Public Library)

Alone but not lonely at Bryant Park

Jerry Seinfeld's favorite Chinese restaurant on Fifth Avenue

3d tennis ball sticker

It's not paris (actually it's at the village park, NYU area, downtown NY)

Menu at a 'local' Japanese restaurant with some regulations. Read it ALL!

A nice corner outside that restaurant

The yellow school bus twins

Graffiti even on the van


I think it's enough for you for today. Join us next episode with photos from the interstate trip between NY and Baltimore.


Blogger apunctum said...

looks lovely. They dont open bigger (maybe its a tem thing ,so I will check them back again).
tab ya najib i feel u looked different in that photo, very different. I wounder what u look like now, I miss u man.

January 26, 2008 11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow Najib, NYC looks even better in your eyes. Great pics.


January 29, 2008 8:13 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

taha: thank you sadiki.. it's really weird, they really dont open bigger. (I thought you're just complaining, but no. This time it was real) Any recommendations?

Im wondering why you got this impression. Did the pics somewhat reflect I changed? any specific photo made you feel like that?
honestly I dont think I changed too much.. or may be I did. from the inside nobody can tell. but thanks man... miss you too.

Thanks a lot as well... more is coming.. in the right time.

January 30, 2008 2:03 AM  

Thursday, January 24, 2008

3ammo Bill talks about Capiz


conversation with self no.33

- "What is the best song by abdel halim?"
- "Ana leek 3ala tool, it might also be his Only good song"
- "Interesting"


Blogger apunctum said...

can we read a nother random one, say 27

January 26, 2008 11:54 PM  

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

kamashtak ya 7aw ya mal3oon


Blogger hawzers said...

oh NO!
I'm ruinnnnnnnnnned

January 24, 2008 10:11 AM  

loved each other to pieces

very intersting ! and a very funny excuse the bus authority brought up! There is also , what if she "filtaaat" on the bus !


Blogger nbr5 said...


I think what is really funny is how they -the couple- described the leash as a sign of "trust".

January 24, 2008 4:37 AM  

Monday, January 21, 2008

originz of mozq

notice that the site is called scientific ideas! two lines under scientific and her scientific method!


Blogger hawzers said...

I love the word "ba3oud"
and i nominate this post for:

incidentally: download the Rushmore soundtrack.

January 24, 2008 10:20 AM  

dont u just love capitalism
now u can know more about ur DNA , for about a thawoo , ya 7aoww


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Steal this film II

then watch part1


Sunday, January 13, 2008


I fished the band 4 u (and me) , and they the album is 320Kbps. Highest quality ma friend.
how do u want it served to u ? or u wana wait for tabadol thakafi ? I can put up on ma site and u download.


Blogger nbr5 said...

ya sadiki it feels like you are asking me: do you want to have your coffee here or should I serve it up in your room :)

bass I tell you, knowing my connection and my quota limitation, I prefer if you keep it in tabadul thakafi, (if you have storage capacities) and knowing that
ما ضاع حق وراءه مطالب

January 14, 2008 11:46 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

tab do you want to have your coffee here or should I serve it up in your room

January 15, 2008 1:16 PM  

Monday, January 07, 2008

good article


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Bad Businessman

for the first time I was put on good hold-music!!!!!! But I have the feeling that I Was listening to the original one and this one is a re-make.

listn to sample(from amazon)


Theres a man going around town
Spreading lies
Hes the bad businessman
Does his business while he can
He just does his business bad

hm, I guess I will "fish them" as soon as I have time,,,,Squirrel Nut Zippers


Blogger nbr5 said...

couldnt play the sample from amazon... probably the firewall.. could you send me the fish you fished? (to my gmail account please, and it better be good resolution, i.e. 192kbps and higher) wou bsir3ah tashouf...

January 08, 2008 5:59 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...

I think they pulled it down. I think they do it regularly so ppl like me dont hot-link to them!!!

January 09, 2008 12:24 AM  

المارتيني في كؤوس بها ألماس بدلا من الثلج


Blogger nbr5 said...

This is so yucky.
Since the martini will be warm.

Plus if one swallows a diamond by mistake, it will be even yuckier to 'retrieve' the diamonds.

Plus, even a yuckier thought, the bartenders might wash quickly the 'retrieved' diamonds and put it back in new customers' glasses.

Phewww. It's good not to be rich.

January 07, 2008 5:17 AM  
Blogger apunctum said...


January 07, 2008 9:40 AM  

Friday, January 04, 2008


what technology blogs do u read ? or site or otherwise


Blogger nbr5 said...

if you're not sarcastic in your question, then my answer is

and if you are sarcastic, then my answer is still

January 04, 2008 12:22 PM  
Blogger apunctum said...

no am not.
but zdnet ya najib sucks big time.

January 04, 2008 1:14 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

but ya taha Im not an IT guy so zdnet is more than enough for me...

what do you suggest I shift to? and, which sites do you go for as tech sources yourself?

by the way I forgot to mention that sometimes also I go to

January 04, 2008 1:22 PM  

my friends you are all invited to this seminar at AUB... read the abstract please

The Center for Advanced Mathematical Sciences (CAMS) invites you to a seminar entitled "Global Alpha-Symmetries in Superspace and GSO-free Superstrings," by Professor Dimitri Polyakov, AUB.

We explore the hierarchy of hidden space-time symmetries of noncritical strings in RNS superstring theory, realized nonlinearly. Under these symmetry transformations the variation of the matter part of the RNS action is cancelled by that of the ghost part. These surprising global symmetries, referred to as the alpha-symmetries, are shown to originate from hidden space-time dimensions, implying the chain of holographic relations between noncritical strings and physical theories in higher dimensions. Using the alpha-symmetry generators, we modify the BRST operator of RNS superstring theory so that the tachyon is automatically excluded from the spectrum without any GSO-projection. We also argue that in the special d=4 case the physical operators of the modified BRST cohomology corresponds to those of the QCD string.


Blogger apunctum said...

are u sure this is how u spell tachyon?
(plsu u forgot to tell us the date)

January 04, 2008 9:24 AM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

I guess... because from a special relativity dynamics perspective a tachyon is a particle with space-like four-momentum. There are two equivalent approaches to handling their kinematics:

* Require that all the same formulae that apply to regular slower-than-light particles ("bradyons") also apply to tachyons. In particular the energy-momentum relation:

E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4 \;

where p is the relativistic momentum of the bradyon and m is its rest mass still holds, along with the formula for the total energy of a particle:

E = \frac{mc^2}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{v^2}{c^2}}}.

which is interpreted to mean that the total energy of a particle (bradyon or tachyon) contains a contribution from the rest mass (the "rest mass-energy") and a contribution from the body's motion, the kinetic energy.
However the energy equation has, when v is larger than c, an "imaginary" denominator, since the value inside the square root is negative. Since the total energy must be real then the numerator must also be imaginary, i.e. the rest mass m must be imaginary, since a pure imaginary number divided by another pure imaginary number is a real number.

* A simple substitution for the mass yields an equivalent way of describing tachyons with real masses. Define m = i*z (where i = \sqrt{-1}) and we get Einstein's energy-momentum relation to read:

E^2 + z^2c^4 = p^2c^2 \;

With this approach the energy equation becomes:

E = \frac{zc^2}{\sqrt{\frac{v^2}{c^2} -1}}.

And we avoid any necessity for imaginary masses, sidestepping the problem of interpreting exactly what a complex-valued mass may physically mean. Except, of course, when converting z back to m for interactions with non-tachyon particles

Both approaches are equivalent mathematically and have the same physical consequences. One curious effect is that, unlike ordinary particles, the speed of a tachyon increases as its energy decreases. (For ordinary bradyonic matter, E increases with increasing velocity, becoming arbitrarily large as v approaches c, the speed of light.) Therefore, just as bradyons are forbidden to break the light-speed barrier, so too are tachyons forbidden from slowing down to below c, since to reach the barrier from either above or below requires infinite energy.

Quantising tachyons shows that they must be spinless particles which obey Fermi-Dirac statistics, i,e. tachyons are scalar fermions, a combination which is not permitted for ordinary particles.[3] They also must be created and annihilated in pairs.

The existence of such particles would pose intriguing problems in modern physics. For example, taking the formalisms of electromagnetic radiation and supposing a tachyon had an electric charge—as there is no reason to suppose a priori that tachyons must be either neutral or charged—then a charged tachyon must lose energy as Cherenkov radiation—just as ordinary charged particles do when they exceed the local speed of light in a medium. A charged tachyon traveling in a vacuum therefore undergoes a constant proper time acceleration and, by necessity, its worldline forms a hyperbola in spacetime. However, as we have seen, reducing a tachyon's energy increases its speed, so that the single hyperbola formed is of two oppositely charged tachyons with opposite momenta (same magnitude, opposite sign) which annihilate each other when they simultaneously reach infinite velocity at the same place in space. (At infinite velocity the two tachyons have no energy each and finite momentum of opposite direction, so no conservation laws are violated in their mutual annihilation. The time of annihilation is frame dependent.) Even an electrically neutral tachyon would be expected to lose energy via gravitational Cherenkov radiation, since it has a gravitational mass, and therefore increase in velocity as it travels, as described above.

January 07, 2008 11:00 AM  

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Merry Happy and Birthday


Blogger apunctum said...


January 01, 2008 10:03 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

so we can say, with good conscience, that the dinner table is gone, gone, gone...

January 03, 2008 2:02 AM  
Blogger hawzers said...

In any case, salty licorice is always tastier.

January 03, 2008 4:00 AM  


if u dont want to read the whole thing go to the last line ,,,


Blogger nbr5 said...

you saved this image as a jpeg, while because it's only black text on white background, it would have been much better and more optimized you save it as Gif. pfftt.

January 04, 2008 8:30 AM  
Blogger mirna said...

one thing i don't understand why didn't the faylasoof write everything in one comment?

January 04, 2008 5:31 PM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

4 reasons:

1- this might look meatier, so it would engage more people to participate, so the cultural ground would be very rich and probably, because of excess of discussions, the problems of the world would be solved.

2- Because he can organize his ideas better this way.

3- Because it would be too heavy for the rest of us to read it in one shot.

4- Or because, least likely, each post can only hold a certain number of letters.

January 07, 2008 2:03 AM  

to shatila

stop f**** searching for urself on our blog , u a**.
go to ur *u*k*n* shatila and rot there, a******.

Happy new year for the rest of u
the above post was zenzerd, in spirit with the current world trends


Blogger nbr5 said...

*blink blink*

January 03, 2008 2:03 AM  


30 YO


Blogger mirna said...

mais ouiiiiii.....

c'est super, non!

joyeux anniversaire T :)

January 02, 2008 1:58 AM  
Blogger nbr5 said...

been there, done that...

January 03, 2008 2:01 AM