
how come we dont "help ppl help themselves" like them?
no , I already shaved my beard
don't be fooled my friend!
it is another of his devious plans to trick us.
u want us to believe this is a genuine ad eh mr nbr?
eh no. i swore to demystify your lies. this is part of an aub student's final year project.
ya na7eeb , ur web of lies is collapsing.
I declare u najib f
f for fake
but but but but...
I didnt post this ad claiming it's authentic.. I was walking one day minding my own business, and then I saw this ad, and then I laughed and I took the picture and then posted it and I was expecting my friends to get mesmerized by it as I was.. i3mal khairan sharran talka.. *SIGH*
is that a nother fake *sigh* ? dmoo3 tamasee7 i mean?
shifit taha?
nbr's trying to yirsheeni so i wont think he's a murtazaka 3ameel waghd safil.
no but seriously now
thanks for posting this
i'm dying to know who did it
if u have a clue let me know
will i see u tomorrow at the event?
bas 3am bersheek bil 7oob ya 7atem.
nbr, larger than Hariri?
taha this is so funnnnny. il-7oob hatem, il-7oob. :D
and no, nobody is larger than hariri. except sumo wrestlers of course.
haw: I have no clue and Im so intrigued to know myself. Could it be you doing it secretely in order to increase your popularity "bi torok multawiyeh"?
(this means in arabic imti3ad)
Fine! FINE! the frog clip was "probably" fake. fine. but you still have to prove that the candid camera clip is fake, because I still declare it authentic, and saying "it's obviously fake" is not enough to prove it's fake.
(One day it will be my turn to be the destroyer, that's my vow)
ya najib ya 3akroot
did u cut the video to trick us?
what did u excpect ya Haw from someone who doesn't respeact "il-Gasallih" ....
basita ya najb ya 3ameel ya mortahin ya mortashi ya ...
which reminds me , do u still have that na3wih we made for u ? and Chahe was "afraid on ur feelings" and asked us to take it down . sa77e7 inno 7mar
haw ya sadiki no I didnt cut the video I swear. I received it as is, and as naive as I am, I thought it was real. but coming to think about it, could the ad people have seen something originaly genuing on some discovery chanel, and got the idea from it and based their ad on it? which makes in the end the concept closer to real?
Taha: I might still have it, the na3weh paper. I think Chahe wasnt hmar, he was simply compassionate and a humanist.
bala ba2fani, fake and now from now on I wont belive anything you post untill u prove its authanticity. I will be like al jazeera ," lam tatim al ta7akook from si7atihi" on everything u claim it authantic :D .
As of chahe , yes he was a big 7mar, this big , HELLOOO "Why innovate when u can immitate ? " , hellowww , he hired chatila akeed 7mar.
as for that specific instance of na3wyh, he was being politically correct and intervining with the flow of employees dynamic , which is who cares what he thinks , casue he is 7mar ...
I mean to3mih once gave a lecture about "i7tiram" and akhla2 and then stole $700 from me and said that my Microsoft certifiacte is fake (behind my back) so please , compatione bi tizon il tnyn.
well, you can', based on one instance, create a whole new policy. and in any case, "al bayyina 3ala man idda3a" and "almuttaham bari2 hatta tathbut idanatuhu". So this video is authentic.
As for tohme, I think he got the 700 dollars from you and used it for charity.
He might even have used it to pay the bill of Hatem's table and his friends.
one more thing hit me now, if you could prove the frog clip was authentic and yet couldnt come up with a proof to the candid camera clip, this is enough proof on its authenticity.
Packed like sardines in a crushed tin box
tab ya Najib y are u becoming the king of fake videos (KOFV)
first the guy in the box then this.
one more video and I shell declare u Kofv5
btw , I was going throough some DVDs And they are very overdue tabadol thakafi that have to get there.
some of it is music making software as u once requested , ya najib.
tab you think I have jledeh to check the authenticity of each clip before posting it?
anyhow, could you post the link that indicates the clips were fake?
man... tabadul thakafi. it's about time... I hope it will happen before this software version goes obsolete :)
ya , about that...I think they are already outdated :D
you know what taha... I think you are just jealous and dont want me to be happy... therefore I declare this movie clip, and the previous one I posted, both authentic and disturbing, unless proven otherwise.
(kinda remind me of the statement of the US embassy in Lebanon for the visa request: "we assume you are traveling to the States to stay there unless you prove otherwise." Life teaches a lot afterall.)
lyk wyn ba3do.
lak get over it ya baba.
first one too fake to be true. The frog one is too perfect to be not fake.
i meant 'volumes'
bas hol 3al kitab il wojooh ,
ma fi ixikloziv bikdshars?
bas ya 7aw talee3 kteer mohem bil sora. (and with the moustash) .
I here by recognize ur importance bil mojtama3 . 7abibi ya a7la 7aw.
thank you :)
i promise if you send me your mailing address i will only send you the magazine and not KFC ads or Hardees ads or Malik's ads or puma ads or even chmaytilly broasted chicken ads.
ixklousif bidkdshars will be published as soon as i get them
this is all i have for now
wlak ya haw 3ala awlet taha finally you look mohem bil mujtama3. Actually ni this pose you look like son3allah ibrahim in his youth.
i will take that as a complimenttte