haw on aljazeera

notice "يقال "
first, there is a big white rectangle (supposedly the video) that is overtaking most of the screen and that show nothing.
second what is twitter.
third I grew so sick and tired of all these endless social applications/portals/networks/services/websites that are supposed to be the web 2.0.
I dont want to upgrade, yet.
it seems u are opening it in FF.
Wait and it will open , evantually.
How can u be tierd of all these apps if u don't use ANY of them! ya najib.
indeed ya taha, indeed.
meen beirutbiloma?
i just checked out their my space, 'i wanna dance in beirut' is utterly repulsive.
tell me you were being sarcastic.
I like the fact that in the credits of the video clip, there was "Lyrics by Lix".
It took her so much work, poor thing, to write these lyrics that are no more than few, so overused, words.
I think even the lyrics of "Daddy cool" required more ink than this.
No am serouis. For what it is , it is awsome.
It is a techno song with meangingless words that vanish in the middle of the song. And what would u dance to other than that?
Ilike and I like their other mixes.
tab are you dancing techno these days ya taha?
not these days , but all days
bas I dont know how to join ?!!! ?
I used to do Arabfiles. org but I forgot my password and they never rest it for me ( they were the best , I uploaded to them like a terrabite of data , the T word ya najib )
tab maybe it took me more than 15 mins to read. So thats 30 mins of fame!
haw when did u preforme over there? just wana have an idea how fast do they publish.
18-19-20 august
apunctum, akhbaarak?
ana preparing for zkool.
kont 3am fakir feek il yom.
habibi :)