suger for ur brain

doktor 3aziza al markiza bidda nimret telephonak. Waynak bil canada? ana fi bariz... fina nitkallim sawiyan... fa send me your number on or sms 0033684652766
LIK SHEEESH..... long time dear.
i send u my phone and will call u tonight ....
ya3ni u dont post ur phone here
no, why woudl i do that , ma all of u have my number (the ppl who i want to give my number it) ....
tab look how the older guy is sitting there with his arms crossed over the pillow, as if nothing is going on back there... as if he is watching the news or something..
man tub ana baddi shoof halla2 how u look
sora la3yoonak soon ,
meanwhile look at the pic above and picture me with no hair
I thought so.
yayyy... this is the west house balcony overlooking al share3 al 3aziz...
la2 ya najib , this is the residence (i dont know its name but it was over azhaar takoosh) balcony overlooking il shari3 il 3azeez
on this apat that u helped me pack to move to byt 7arakit 2amal (the first)
so does it mean that you would be sitting to so much dead people that you can't find the time or the energy to weep for all of them, or that because you are living near the graveyard then you are so used to death you dont weep to people anymore?
whatever works for u . use it whenevr is needed
can I use it to enhance my social skills and woujoudiyyat?
yes u can.
u can say fi 2a3di wojodyeh" u know , that reminds me of a russian proverb...."
the possibiliteis are infinit sayeed nbr
so is the americans giving the finger?
Im just kidding. yes this one is clear for the rest of us.
tata le canadien, felicitations!
mabrouk ya sadiki. now since the dream of life that once the whole universe was orbiting around is realized, then you dont have any reason to life for. you can now die in peace.
how about we meet in cyber chez andre and drink 6 aquariums each and nidbuk dabkeh falasteeniyeh on our desks?
wrong visual... the right boot should be the same height as the left one....
ma fhimit
the top boot is if u remember the boot of the sadaam statue that was taken down by our american masters.
(and thats why ijir akbar minijir) . The statue which is the great zymbol of dictatorship is ericted on a bigger dictatorship and a bigger one etc...
the bottom of dictatorship is ppl (us) and the social values.
wow. so the only thing that could really give a hint is the top right boot with the little nudge on top of it.
anyhow, still a visual problem: we need to see a bit of the right boot (lower a bit, but should be there) next to the left base boot at the bottom.
Thnk you!
now it's brilliant
how do you still have this..
and.. who is the girl to the left of carla? the one behind is Rita, I know.. but who is the other one?
wallahi I miss robie...
the other one is rita's sister ... I found this in my email the other day , i dont knwo who sent it to me. It was a fun dinner at carla's.
notice that u are nto in the picture ,
yes and Im really grateful that you didnt post any pic where I am in the pic...
how do you still remember her.. did you have a crush on her?
c'm on she looks like a komathraa .its not hard of a detail to remember , espically if u look at her face and rita' i have a good memorey.
now if i remember her name , that would be strange .....
lets c what was her name ....
look at us!
ps her name was yola ( I had a crush on her)
bass ya taha this is belgian chocolate not swiss!
and send us some by attachment
bas ya 7atem my friend is going to zitzerland and wants to bring MORE chocolate....eyh , 3arif inoo hay belg , ma it says BELGIAN ad rassi 3aleyha
tayyeb is it tasty?