Wednesday, March 28, 2007
- Kinky Lina said...
- apunctum said...
what the fuck is her problem ,,,,, that was az very weird link
- said...
that's what u get when u mention porn and tyaz on ur blog!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
and to read this
The last was yesterday. They had an interesting article. i came back to check onlin , check it out
and another one , about the changing dynamic int he region
Friday, March 23, 2007
u guys are on crack
whats wrong with u kids , its just like the old one
- said...
mine just switched too. walla that is annoying and i have ni puta idea what my password is. I think if you have gmail it works otherwise you are bannen into annominity. I think its a secret google way to convert you to their religion. Or maybe its not a giant conspiricy and i have to remember my password all of a sudden
-oh this is suha
Thursday, March 22, 2007
- said...
honduras? interesting. can I be curious? cuz Im thinking of going to Peru and any piece of info is useful to me about that region.
by the way taha tomorrow I have the interview at the embassy.
do you think I will meet the ambassador? or he will be busy with another applicant?
najib - said...
alo. it was costa rica actually but i have family in honduras so that prolly caused the confusion. some friends have done peru and loved it. mainly hiked machu pichu. i was in buenos aires last spring and loved it. costa rica was amazing too, very laid back. its not too hard to travel the region on train or bus or plane if you can swing it. taha knows how to find me if you want to chat. i think you will meet many ambassadors
- apunctum said...
najwub ,
tell me what happen with il-safara bil 3imarah.
plus i have many friends who roamed latin america and can give some advise. - said...
they said (the embassy) that they will get back to me in a week. they didnt say yes or no. typical. I should never get anything done smoothly or at once. things must always stretch and get into pieces and segments. like downloading from shareaza.
the trip has been set sadiki taha by the big boss. on the 22nd of April I will be in NY. then on the 24 I will leave to baltimore. then on the 27th or 28th I will leave back to beirut.
if im done in time, i will mail you the tabadul thakafi from ny. update me with your address btw.
I can also see u by coincidence in NY. or shatila too. - said...
Suha: Very interesting.
traveling the REGION? how about the visas on the borders? I have a complex now from paper work so it better be something smooth.
machu pichu is one target. cuzco and nazca lines too.
would be great if I could learn more about all the technicalities. from your friends too, taha, who roamed latin america.
by the way did you know that buffalos in the past used to roam north america in large numbers?
زياد الرحباني - الشغب ـ ملحق
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
remember taha how the pilot said: il gussa illi ma3ana li meen?
استيقظ مسافر على الدرجة الأولى الفاخرة على متن طائرة تابعة لشركة الخطوط الجوية البريطانية على مفاجأة غير متوقعة عندما اكتشف أنه يجلس بجوار جثة.
وقالت صحيفتا ميرور وصن البريطانيتان إن بول تريندر (54 عاما) قال إن طاقم الطائرة نقلوا من الدرجة الاقتصادية إلى الدرجة الأولى جثة سيدة مسنة على الطائرة توفيت بعد الإقلاع.
وأوضح تريندر -وهو رجل أعمال- أنه بالرغم من أن الجثة كانت مثبتة على المقعد فإنها كانت تسقط على الأرض بسبب الاهتزازات أثناء الطيران.
وأضاف أن الأمر كان رهيبا حيث ثبتت الجثة في مكانها باستخدام عدد كبير من الوسائد.
ونقلت ابنة الراكبة من الدرجة الاقتصادية للدرجة الأولى لتبقى مع جثة والدتها طوال الفترة المتبقية من الرحلة من دلهي إلى لندن لمدة تسع ساعات.
وقالت صحيفة غارديان إن الواقعة حدثت في الأسبوع الماضي واعتذرت شركة الخطوط البريطانية عن أي إزعاج للراكب.
ونقلت صحيفة ميرور عن الشركة قولها "نعتذر عن ما حدث ولكن أفراد طاقم الطائرة كانوا يعملون في ظروف صعبة واختاروا الحل الذي رأوا أنه سيسبب أقل قدر من الإزعاج".
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
تعال نشدو المنى والغرام
who sang that song orginially ? was it layla murad ?
- BAU Student said...
Nour el Houda sang the original song it's name is Tango El Amal...
Monday, March 19, 2007
ta3al najdo il mona wal gharam
My house in Mar Elias. Remember how crapy was it !
I fell between then and now i lost something. Now there is no dream.
I feel so far.
I can feel the night at the Barometer
I can feel lina or mirna laughing at me for saying Baro-meter , and they say it back in french
I can feel the bordem when me and Hatem are there alone waiting for someone to pop up. our eyes wandring around the 9 ppl int he palce , and immiditley turing our heads to the door (like everybody else there) when we hear it open.
I can feel that damp feeling in the summer, walking around the corner next to the Midical Gate. with empty street and water running down the drain . then a car pasess , and expensive car full of Jgohlih.
I feel coming back to the West House afterwords and feeling the airconditioning.
I feel walking back from Chez Andre and passing by the Red Rose , or was it the monkey Rose, or was it somethign and Crown.
I feel that morning meeting below my place (and samara's) with very dark blue/black covering the sky getting ready bike to Jyeh.
I didnt think what will be in x years , that i wouldbe here/now.
The wierdest moment for me here was to have Wael Abed in my place in Ottawa.we had a glass of wine and although i saw him in toronto , we were talkin about back the old AUB days. and am talking 97-98 and it was very weird cause then we never thought that in 10 years time we would be meeting in Ottawa in my appartemnt. He would be coming from Toronto and stops at Ottawa so we go to montreal, in this appartment painted in white with white celling. The appartment suddenly was so strange and i could look at the present from the eyes of the past. The present look weird and strange.
Imagine wael , in 10 years we wont be setting here talking about the Club infront of West Hall and aobut how stupid Ma7moud Dandashli is, but u will be working in a very far place in Canada, toronto to be exact. And u will drive 5 hours to see me in the City Ottawa where i will be going to Univeristy STILL ,studying film studies and with very differnt state of mind and very little achived and maybe no dreams.
Can u imagine that Wael? Ofcourse u cannot.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I definitly need some new music to fill up zi void,,,,,
Saturday, March 17, 2007
وفـى هـذا البستان يسكن طائر واحد فقط، العنقاء ذو المنقار الطويل المستقيم، والرأس التي تزينها ريشتان ممتدتان إلى الخلف، وعندمـا تستيقظ العنقاء تبدأ في ترديد أغنية بصوت رائع.
وبعد ألف عام، أرادت العنقاء أن تولـد ثانيـة، فتركت مـوطـنها وسـعـت صـوب هـذا العالم واتجهت إلى سوريا واختارت نخلة شاهقة العلو لها قمة تصل إلى السمـاء، وبنت لـهـا عـشاً.
بعـد ذلك تمـوت فى النار، ومن رمادها يخرج مخلوق جديد.. دودة لهـا لـون كـاللبـن تتحـول إلـى شـرنقـة، وتخـرج مـن هـذه الشـرنقـة عـنقاء جـديدة تطـير عـائدة إلـى موطـنها الأصلي، وتحمل كل بقايا جسدها القديم إلى مذبح الشمس في هليوبوليس بمـصــر، ويحيـي شـعـب مصـر هـذا الطـائر الـعـجـيب، قبل أن يعـود لبلده في الشـرق.
Friday, March 16, 2007
hygiene chart
- apunctum said...
at first i took the chart serouisly , i was trying to interpret the axes ...tabban
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
up and running
The news is that it is under the new child Punctum Works. Which is my new "company" . Its liek operatingunder my legal name jsut its better and more professional. I should start taking it serouisly and promoting my services. a test for promotion was today when i was working int he lab at school in putting the site up and finishing desgining the invoice. some ppl i know would ask me whatam doing and i woudl tell them am working on mon company , but i found it sometimes very difficult to say it , i guess i should be mroe of a promo person, like all the other manayek who talk about themselves all the time.
anyways , check it out, . Mirna desgined the logo for me , btu she had it titlted so today i fixed that angle and made it stright which was once also engouraged by Suha Suha (of SF). The invoice also looks nice . anyways , i still have to do the site and the cards (why woudl i need cards!) and later apply for GST tax number (and a bussiness number; i alreadyhave a bussiness name bbut not a number) . Iwont incorporate yet cause i dont have any bussiness and the chances are that i will get back into the machine of 9-5 , plus when u incorporate ur bussiness u have to do more paper work ..... anwyays , maybe its a good step forword and later on i can operate indipendnt , make some resonable money , not alot , only enough , give some to ppl i think they are in better need to it (ppl i know) and have some savings god forbids , and most importantly pay il-labousa (nbr hi) and pay OSAP. Or maybei will jsut go and work in Qatar .
who knows.
- said...
tab raheeb ya taha. what will you be selling. or buying. tell me tell me. is it IT? will you be a tahloub on your own employees?
tayyeb tammam who is cool in his own way went far with his business look and he registered his office with the governement so basically is it what you did already? or you still have to do more? I didnt understand anything.. so you have a name but not a number? not a GST number???
bass once you become your own boss you dont have to be 9to5 person.. you can go from 7 to 10 if you want..
or you can call in sick easier than employees.. the fun part would be that you are making your own money no one is "giving" you the money as waliy ne3emtak.
Good job mirna for the logo.
could you ya punctum take a digital pic of the invoice so we see how it looks like in reality..
Im going in my own business too by the way.
nbr - apunctum said...
tab his stuff sounds really cool. but tell him taha says that he is sellingin retail price , he should hicke the price higher !!!!
i can send u a sample invoice but not on this website , btw my domain can have like 10 GB of files so we have a new way of communication.
the invoice i did myself , thats becasue i got the logo from mirna back in the honey days (now is onion days between us) .
i wish i have a product , am thinking about some , but i dont. fornowit wouldbe open software prostitution (free lance)
tab whats ur own buzznz btw??
Monday, March 12, 2007
- said...
he is in lebanon. will go to Japan on the 16th. are you happy now?
- apunctum said...
inno am not sure happy is the right word. but am sure pleased
Sunday, March 11, 2007
days of glory
Friday, March 09, 2007
tab if prince waleed bin talal wants to shop in mar elias, how can he park such a car there??
- apunctum said...
u know in scarface when Deniro comes with his care that has lion seats and shit and she tells him "thats what night mares are made of" .... inno this car is similar .
tab walid bi shikhah doesnt he has better taste , u know being rich and all
look how bad vimto is ya vimto fans... (not that other drinks are better, either)
- apunctum said...
inoo what E22 and E11 and E0 ,
thats 7aki fadi - said...
i love the word 'musartinah'
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
eternal purgatory
it speaks alot of what i went and still going through (yet there are different stages).
Julia Kristiva in introducing her "strangers to ourselves" talks about what does it mean to live in that stage where u dont belong to any place. Being palestinine is by definition to live in that stage. I thought to immigrate would ground me some where , only to be more stanged and alinated. I would want to take a look at this book some day.
strange times, strange times
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
the boy and Baltimore
tab tell me when u are going exactly ? i might go there and see u or maybe u come here and see me , or we can meet half way in somwhere ????
fa tell me soon cause i already have finals in that period and maybe other commitments.
whats in Baltimore? a conferance ? a girl ?
haw , mishta2 la baydatak
- said...
well ya sadiki taha there is a yearly conference called CASE which is specialized in design for Educational institution.. (see how specific this is, too specific like the conference where Sader showed the software you and tarek did, was a conference specifically for LAW electronic publishing) so anyhow, last year my boss told me yalla register so you go to this conference.. since I was too unmotivated to go or do any paperwork, I left it till the last second and then I told my boss look it wont work because there is no time they could give me the visa to the US in such a short window time.
So this year, my boss's boss was in lebanon and he, in person, told me "just do the damn thing" (after I complained about the paper work and stuff) and here is why I might go to Baltimore..
or did you think that i suddenly decide to do tourism and out of all the world I chose baltimore for that?
nbr5 - said...
about meeting, there is only one option which is you coming over to the US rather than me going because Im sure they wouldnt give me visa in time to Canada... man if I only apply to immigration to Canada would be just for the passport and the easiness of coming in and out..
but that will require, again, a lot of paper work..
anyhow, we can meet somewhere, not necessarily baltimore, in fact I was asking around if I can go to one of the indian reservations for a week.. but they crushed all my dreams.. we can meet in NY and go to that Seinfeld Monk's restaurant and do tabadol thakafi there.. :)
nbr5 - apunctum said...
tab when ? like whenin april is the confereance ???
bas keef heyk , u r boss actd liek il rajol il kabeer !
if we meet at NY we can stay at seif and nitaffal 3aleyh ... - said...
it will start April 25...
yes my bosse's boss is THE rajul al kabir, in every sense.
but ya taha I cant ittaffal at anyone.. may be I will stay at a "motel" in NY :)))
najib - apunctum said...
i finish my final papers on the 28th , we can totally do it!!!!!
- said...
it depends if i get visa.
I went to the passport guys, and they said you cant do it. and then I said tab why? they said you can only renew it, but cant do a new one. I said why? they said: halla' mwa'finon. (now they are stopping it)
so I didnt give or take (ma akhadet wala 3atet) until a friend of mine saw on the news that the lebanese governement is not able to give passport because they havent paid in a while the french company who manufactures them. LOL.
isnt it typically lebanon??
Sunday, March 04, 2007
how goes it ?
taha here has a paper the size of , lets see, the size of Rola mosa's ass . shit what brought up rola mousa ! i guess its the return of the represeed (the desire to kill)!
anyways , things are crazy for me in this part of the world , at least for the comming couple of days , but good stuff too.
nbr , i downloded all the music on that site , and najib its not just quantity. I decided i migth come and visit in the summer if there is no war in town , so we will do jalsit tabadl thakafi till the morning .
meanwhile enjoy this ( i think u or haw asked once about it )
anyways , am getting fucked for this paper but am in a good mode
- said...
really? seriously? tab this is great!
I might go to baltimore in April by the way.. do you need anything from there?
najib - said...
Tub ana i miss u guys so much and i've been out of reach for so long cause im half dead.
bass i didnt hear about this whole baltimore business!
Taxa man keefak what u up to these days?
ana rehearsing everyday for 3 hours for the new play, we leave to tokyo on the 16th, im very excited.
Also teaching in aub and lau which is great. in aub it's very organised and smooth, in lau it's a big mess till now because there is no syllabus or anything and the administration is fucked up, but im working on it, creating dawleh dakhel il dawleh, making my own rules. other than that still a bit of pending freelance that haunts one like the plague. and working on my contribution to samandal magazine. all in all i dont have time to scratch my ass. ..
can anyone do that for me please?
haw - apunctum said...
scratch scratch
- said...
I remember the doctor who gave you this scratch 7 years ago.. I can search for him if you want..
I remember you felt really good back then.. or may be, that's what he asked you..