wedding in Middle East (syria?) with weapons and accessories

7atem, not me.
btw, when are we going to see this
what do you mean... you are the pirate, not hatem!
but I dont have an eye patch and a hock hand. While hatem does!
u think u can find it on the net to download?
if taha puts his brain in his head (3a'lo bi rasso) he could find it for us. But only if.
tell u what. u put ur head into ur brain , or any other place, and tell me where do I get it and I will download it. This way u are il mokh ow ana il 3adalaat
so the scout in you died ya taha? died????
busy rather.
tab since you are not respecting the kbeer (which I literally am, btw) I asked you a while ago to download for me (us) the Putumayo world CD collection (18CDs) from a torrent link that already I gave you... did you do it mr. muscles?
that was broken link.
if u send it again I will download it , delete it and download it again and then delete it and THEN download it again and maybe give u the copy in the Tabdol il ythakafi and then delete it and download it again , just to enjoy the blessing of high speed internet....
outsmarting the devil himself?
this peasant will burn in hell big time.
love the 1st , but couldn't make anything of the second . keep them coming
is this another one of your scams mr nbr? u know we will always find the truth
of course I never sent "scams". (it's called scam when you send while aware of it).
I sent what I found interesting, but got no time to verify its authenticity.
Plus when you find the truth let me know. (btw I checked it seems the father -who got shot- died later on).
wow , pretty hard core.
That kid is heading intoa good future..
How did u "check it" ?