now available @ tarahaat

Mr Jarrar later told a New York radio station: "I grew up and spent all my life living under authoritarian regimes and I know that these things happen.
"But I'm shocked that they happened to me here, in the US."
but look.. they bought him a new shirt for free. they wouldnt do it in other "regimes".
he he
I am now reluctant to wear that anti-sociallight blue shirt you got me that day ya taha...
NBR5 i hate u
as long as its not in arabic it will be okay
shou ya3ni counter?
OH! counter, i thought it was something more exciting than that. especially with nbr's cheering.
nbr, u never answer my questions, do u hate me?
WHAT HAPPENED TO AYOUBIYEH PUB OFFICE? (did anyone say pub? fancy a pint anyone?) what happened to the new ta7loub and tomoko etc?
counter ya3ni stats ya nbr
nice screen you got there...
thank u, and u have a nice smile ya nbr 5.
plus where is the housam ? i already sent him an invite couple f days ago
ma fee 3andon kahraba! i talked to him on the phone
man your mloukhieh made me hungry, and its till 10 in the morning
what the hell?
hey baba , no vimto no cry ....
you brought tears to my eyes u did
tub can we upload music on this blog boyz?
kamen i tried to upload a small video ma mishil 7aal, why? (ou3a iktub all my comments in one message)
by the way, the cap looks like it doesnt belong to the bottle.. as if it was stuck there. it looks somehow fake. did you cut it out taha yourself? because if so, it shows, CLEARLY.
HOW DARE U questin my vimto picture.
shows that u dont vimto ur 3ataash .....
forgive him dear vimto , innaho la ya3rif
i dont think u can upload music or vdz , try u tube ,,,
how about we add a counter to teh blog too ???
but u have to give them credit,very creative and in touch with reality,,
shows u the survival of the capitalist :)
I dint say anything bad. just the reality. typically opportunists. isnt that one of the cores of capitalism? :o))
to capital or not to capital
you mean... ziad rahbani..right?
i started watching it but got through half of it and the picture quality pissed me off ,so i started watchin the interviwe with JomezKy in the video panel under it to the right ,,,
i will check the doc u mentioned , but i watched a doc caleed the cola conquest , not bad at all ,,,
also watch this and tell me what u think :D
ifffffff... I have a headache already..
and on ur thoughts ya nbr on the thoughts
I personally think that what Nasrallah said is convincing enough.
First , he said that he already declared for them that they will capture soldiers . And as he said , what do u want us to do , tell u the exact date !!
The question that is being asked by many people which was raised by the situation is , well the actions of the resistance are so dangerous and they brought destruction on us. However , I think the question the is at stake here is what the Hizb is raising (weather u think they are just using it as an excuse or not) is that lebanon is a constant hostage of Israel. The question is that the Israelis are holding the thick stick for everybody and that the Lebanese government cannot stop them. The question here is the failure of the Lebanese state. What the latest event have shown is hoe impotent they are ,compared to how was the resistance with little resources able to really create a political and militry disaster in Israel.
Jounblat and the others in his trench are saying that the government needs to be in control of the War and peace decision. This is a legitimate concern and unimportant foundation of modern state; the government should have monopoly over violence. However, the way juonblat wants it is for the fragile failed state he has been part of for so many years to acquire its legitimacy simply by the curtsy of others. He want hiboulla to give in the weapons simply like that , not because they actually have it but because they will use it. And when something like what happened this last month happens ti simply shows of illegitimate this government is. Thus all what they want is to take all people of any tools that show how this government –and most of the arab governments- is a flop.
Jounblat wants to follow the formula of all the failed arab governments. Epically the states of the “Al-touk” , the countries bordering Israel. These governments in order to have their legitimacy maintained they sell their country bit by bit (not necessarily in the economic sense). In order to avoid the American stick (ie Israel) and in order to maintain the American cover that covers up their failure and maintains their existence they sign it all of . What ever u want we are ready , their basic motto. Their problem not that they cannot face Israel but that they cannot build their own countries. Best example is Egypt (am not gana go into the examples cause I will have a heart attack and am probably couple of years away from that and I want to enjoy this little time).
This kind of deal has its dangers though. Even when u are bending over and selling ur country to avoid any crisis’, the Americans might not be totally happy with what your producing. That’s what happened after 9/11. And because you count on the Americans to cover you, well they can pull up the cover. We saw a bit of that in Egypt after the war on Iraq. What the Failed systems do in this situation is the “Bo3Bo3” policy : The bogy man. Iraq came as the prime illustration and Syria is the prime user of the “BoBo3”. They tell them if you push our failed states the alternative wont be much more attractive. The Syrians days and nights scare them with the Islamist Monster they are afraid of. “IF you sink us , you will sink too” they tell the manager. That’s their only defense against the threat of their governments. A threat that is easily actualized because they are big flops. They failed and they have nothing to offer. Which brings us to Hariri.
Harirri is nothing but an accountant. He is a business manager for the Saudis. This seems to be a bit harsh; maybe it should be worded differently! I don’t want to talk about the robbing and the 40Billions of Lebanese debt , but I want to go back again to Nasralla and how that shows the failure of the state, this time differently. The first dayof the cease fire (which doesn’t seem hat it will last long) Nasralla came out and talked about victory and about politics. But he assigned the biggest part of the speech to the displaced and the people who lost their homes in the war. He said that what he said the first days of the war was “not just talk” and that they have a plan to compensate the people with damaged homes, they will assess the damages and pay them the compnsation to fix it . As for the peple who lost their homes they will pay them a one year rent and money to buy new furniture. This is not soon , “I’m talking we start tomorrow”. And so they did. They started the Next day after dividing the Dahye into 12 areas to hand in compensations (12,000 cash), you can spend it however you want, you might even stay with your relatives until your house is rebuilt. This is hearting. Hariri made Lebanon spend Billions and the process took insane amount of time and stealing and bulling around of people and achived nothing with hios “Mhajarrn” ministry headed by Jounblat. By the least assessment , the Hizb showed how things can be very efficient. It showed how the governments projects after the end of the Civil war also were such a joke , and how they were VERY efficient , and that we didn’t need that huge solider project that robbed us into billions of debt.
The Hozboulla move not only showed how phoney all the Hariri days were , but also suggested the basis of a completely different project. The Hizb put the citizine in the middle of the project. What nasralla insisted to the people that you will not have to ask anyone , you don’t have to stand in long humiliating lines , but we will come to YOU. This definitely is politically motivated, but then again what is not? I personally for a moment there felt that for the first time in the arab world, somebody cares about me, the citizen. Somebody form upper management actually cares. Hezbollah knows that it takes its legitimacy from the people, not from the money it provides them. That’s why it has to keep that legitimacy by compensating the people and showing them that they care. Unlike the Hariri project which takes you a hostage for its money (or buys your vote for USD 100 –or more depending on the area-). The Hizb move told the people that “you are the one that count”; the center of the Hezbollah project is the people (regardless if you think that this is true or not, but that’s what it communicated tot eh people.) However, all the arab governments tells the people that WE , the governments, are the center and whatever we give you is a privilege. Hariri ,as one small example, never showed what he wants in his reconstruction project .To make Lebanese “as it was” , IT that’s the best you can come up with? Its that abstract notion of the “Swiss of the east” that he wanted. Nobody ever felt that the reconstruction of Lebanon is for them. IT was always for something but never for the people. Plus who want Lebanon to be “as it was” that means we went back to square one, after all the civil war happened for a reason! That’s why the reconstructed the down town to “just as it was” before the war broke: to look exactly the same before the war.
That’s some of my thoughts , there is a movie on TV playing that has John Travolta in it and he looks 10 pr something … its very late . night
so many spelling and typing mistakes. but for such long and deep thoughts, you can be forgiven..
yes , am deep
I like what you're saying taxes, very well put.
question for nbr, what happened to publication office? i mean has ta7loob2, tomoko, even randa fled the country?
boys yesterday lenz and i made a big tanjarit wara2 3enab b la7meh from the 3areesheh in her garden. I dont want to brag, but it was divine. i wish i had pix.
tab 3an jad i want some 3inab papers....
what the hell.. she has a garden there?? and she has a 3aresheh in the garden tooooo???????? where is that? and how come you dont have pix? dont you have digital camera implanted in your eye already?
publication office stayed open during the war and no one fled the country. even the boss came back from US when everyone was going the other way round. I dont know why but I think we are all crazy.
the problem is, now, seriously, electricity. if I am to leave the country, would be because of this. can you imagine beirut in an apartment where you have no light without AC or even fan and you cant open the windows because of mosquitos (which they come in anyways, I dont know how..) and all the other power generators are humming all night?
come to think about it, the corruption that was in the heart of hariri's plan to reconstruct his projects.. errr.. I mean to reconstruct the country, was far more destructive on the Lebanese economy with its almost eternal debt and its implications (along with the culture of corruption that got injected even further in the lebanese mentality) than the actual destruction of bridges and houses that can be easily rebuilt by the money that is competitively rushing towards us from all sides.
Plus I think Jumblat himself can, instead of whining, rebuild few bridges and power plants with the half a billion dollars he sucked from the ministeries he was responsible for in the nineties under the protection of the Syrian moukhabart.
I dont think they did hit it specifically but rather a telecommunication post in the neighborhood. I could be under- or mis-infromed though.
the "after" is in fact the "before" and vice-versa.. right?
wallahi , innak paying attention Dr NBR5
(can i call u NBR in capital ?)
yes you can, as the NBR will be this way visually aligned with the 5 from top and bottom, which means more harmony in the aesthetics. (to your site in the first place before it's to my name)
and if you agree with my remark, why didnt you change them?
u see if u change them u would look like a lier ,,,
suppose sombody read it after 10 years (or 1 week) and then said oh wait a min. they are orright ,,, what does this NBR (capital) is babling about !!
then ur reputation in the online community will be destroyed ....
kollo la maslahtaak
tayyeb there is one who viewed this blog from India. Who the hell would want to view this post from India.
maybe a search engine bot ?